Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Plan (计划)

5.15-6.9: Home on Long Island... sleeping, seeing friends, shopping, watching Chinese soaps, putting together a magazine for AASA (the work never ends lol), and of course getting ready to move out again. I never get to sleep in my own bed for more than 3 weeks at a time anymore =(

6.10-6.15: Staying in Hong Kong with my dad's family in Sorrento (a residential complex in Kowloon), which is fabulous since I've never been to HK and haven't seen much of the fam for awhile.

6.16-8.19: Attending Harvard Beijing Academy (HBA) in Beijing for language study. I'll be staying at Beijing Language and Culture University (BCLU), which is near Peking and Qinghua University. My address here will be:

Ming Min Hui
Harvard Beijing Academy
Convention Center
Beijing Language and Culture University
15 Xueyuan Lu, Haidian Qu
Beijing, 100083, P.R. China

In the middle I'll be going to Inner Mongolia for a week to do social study (and ride camels!).

8.20-8.28: Return home for some rest after what will probably be a grueling but exhilirating ten weeks and then...

8.29: Back to New Haven!